Friday, September 7, 2012

36 Weeks (August 30 - September 5, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Honeydew (18.7" long and 5.8lbs)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 28 lbs 
Starting to Show? I feel like a whale and am waddling around everywhere. My feet are really swelling a lot lately.
Clothes: Maternity all the way, even those aren't super comfortable. All I want to wear are Evan's tees and comfy shorts!
Belly Button:Same
Sleep:Getting up to pee even more and it's excruciatingly painful when I roll over and attempt to get out of bed.
Movement? She keeps sticking her foot up under my right rib which is started to get uncomfortable and she's definitely doing a lot of moving still.
Food Cravings: I've had McDonald's more than I'd like to admit this week.
Queasy/Sick? Throwing up some liquid more often in the sink when I brush my teeth in the morning.
Miss Anything? Not feeling uncomfortable all the time.
Mood: Tired, Anxious, Excited, Nervous, Ready to go!!!!
Best Moment of the Week: Having a long weekend! Getting maternity photos done. Getting Ella's room completely done (other than the wall hangings). And shopping at Wrentham with Jen and getting some cute clothes for Ella.
Looking Forward To: Starting this labor process. I'm so done being pregnant and just want to hold our baby girl!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

35 Weeks (August 23-29, 2012)

I had my 36 week doctor's appointment with ultrasound on Tuesday! It was great seeing her on the ultrasound today. We could really see her face and the nurse said she has a lot of hair. The u/s nurse said she looks to be around 6lbs, but the midwife looking at the chart said she's 6lbs 10oz (yikes that seems big for a whole month left to go). They said she has gallstones but not to worry at all because they usually disappear during delivery. I'm not dialated at all yet, wishing I was a little bit considering she's bigger than I thought she would be at this point.

Baby's Size:  Coconut (18.2" long and 5.3lbs)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 28 lbs 
Starting to Show? My belly is huge, and wicked heavy
Clothes: Haven't really attempted any pants other than maternity or stretchy this week. The thought of being squeezed even the slightest bit while feeling this full is very unappealing to me.
Belly Button:Same
Sleep:Sleep is okay once I fall asleep. Still getting up every night to pee, once in a while twice which is brutal. Getting up is painful and a huge process.
Movement? She's doing a lot of moving, which can be a bit uncomfortable sometimes since she's so big now.
Food Cravings: I've been making a lot of casadillas this week.
Queasy/Sick? Other than dry heaving and a bit of throwing up in the sink when I brush my teeth, no.
Miss Anything? Not being pregnant.
Mood: Tired, Almost ready to be done with this, Getting really excited for her to come and I can't wait to meet her!! Got a little nervous after my doctor's appointment on Tuesday about how big she will be when I deliver.
Best Moment of the Week: Getting my new car!! Also Sunday was a nice feeling of everything seems to be pretty much in place for Ella to come and just being able to relax out in the backyard and not worry about what still needs to be done was such a nice feeling.
Looking Forward To: Going into labor! Seeing her! Getting her room and everything completely finalized

34 Weeks (August 16-22, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Butternut Squash (17.7" long and 4.7lbs)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 25 lbs 
Starting to Show? Belly is huge and it's really hard to move around
Clothes: I am getting sick of all my clothes that actually fit and nothing feels comfortable on other than Evan's tee shirts and comfy shorts which is what I change into the second I walk in the house.
Belly Button:Same
Sleep:Waking up to pee pretty much every night around 3:00/3:30am. I'm sleeping fine but finding a comfortable position is starting to become very difficult.
Movement? Always moving but as she gets bigger, the moving is starting to become a little uncomfortable. She's also been hiccuping a lot.
Food Cravings: This week I'm eating a mash-up of veggies, fruit, and one small baby red potato with cheese and sour cream. Still not in the mood for anything.
Queasy/Sick? No, just cramped feeling in my belly as Ella is running out of room.
Miss Anything? Feeling normal and not being uncomfortable.
Mood: Not great, I'm pretty uncomfortable and definitely getting ready to be done being pregnant
Best Moment of the Week: Getting Ella's room more together with the cubes, laundry and setting up the crib sheets & bumper!
Looking Forward To: Seeing Ella one last time before we meet her in the last ultrasound on August 28th. I really want to see what she looks like and am almost ready for her to come out!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

33 Weeks (August 9-15, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Durian Fruit - whatever that is?! (17.2" long and 4.2lbs)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 23 lbs 
Starting to Show? Evan says my belly is looking very torpedo-like now.
Clothes: Still wearing a couple of my regular jean capris with the belly band, only maternity shirts.
Belly Button:Same
Sleep: Better this week, waking up to pee less in the middle of the night and I actually feel like I'm getting good sleep.
Movement? She moves ALL THE TIME. I'm always catching my belly twitching out of the corner of my eye. She rolls around all the time and one part of my stomach will feel super hard and be raised up.
Food Cravings: Nothing. I don't enjoy eating and all food is unappealing to me at this point.
Queasy/Sick? No, just overly full all the time and I feel like everything is squished in there - heartburn sucks.
Miss Anything? 
Being able to walk without pain, not feeling uncomfortable all the time.
Mood: Super excited for everything but just really uncomfortable lately so I'm probably not in the best mood all the time. I feel kind of irritable.
Best Moment of the Week: Going to Vermont to visit Bobby & Chuck. It was really fun and I can't wait to take Ella up there to visit. It was really weird because as we were leaving we were talking about the next time we would see them Ella will be here. It makes it seem SOOO close now!
Looking Forward To: Finishing getting ready for Ella and then having time to relax before she comes. And the biggest thing of course is finally meeting her and seeing what she looks like!

32 Weeks (August 2-8, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Squash (16.7" long and 3.8lbs)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 23 lbs 
Starting to Show? Very much so!
Clothes: Saying goodbye to any non-maternity shirts was pretty hard this week. My wardrobe has been narrowed down to like 10 shirts… ugh… I just need to make it through less than 2 months with no clothes.
Belly Button:Same
Sleep: Getting up almost every night to pee. It's starting to get hard to find a comfortable sleeping position. I feel exhausted all day.
Movement? Lots of squirming around in there, the pokes and jabs are getting a little more intense
Food Cravings: Lots of McDonald's this week. It's really hard because I've been having the opposite of cravings and haven't been in the mood for any food at all, nothing sounds appealing and haven't been too hungry. Every time I eat I get full right away and it's uncomfortable. 
Queasy/Sick? No, just overly full all the time and I feel like everything is squished in there - heartburn sucks.
Miss Anything? 
Not being in some sort of pain all the time.
Mood: Happy and excited for everything but definitely getting nervous for D-Day and making sure I get everything done in time.
Best Moment of the Week: My work threw me a surprise baby shower today which was so sweet! Sarah and Johanna did the shopping and got a lot of great things that I needed and Todd brought in these amazing cupcakes with ice cream in them. And we set up the crib.

Looking Forward To: Finishing up all the purchases we need before her arrival, finishing the organization and cleaning of her room and the rest of the house. Basically just being ready so that we can relax! I'm definitely in the nesting phase big time right now.

31 Weeks (July 26 - August 1, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Pineapple - holy crap that seems big! (16.2" long and 3.3lbs)

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 22ish lbs 
Starting to Show? Dave at work made it a point to tell me how big the belly is getting lol.
Belly Button: It just looks weird, it's all stretched out and flat and almost bruised looking.
Getting up almost every night to pee. It's starting to get hard to find a comfortable sleeping position. I feel exhausted all day.
Movement? Still tons of movement all the time. She keeps sticking a foot or something under my right rib.
Food Cravings: McDonalds again and pizza.
Queasy/Sick? Good this week.
Miss Anything? 
Moving around like I used to and having energy.
Mood: Definitely transitioning into the nesting phase, it's about time! I want to clean and organize everything in the house before little one comes! A little nervous that she's supposed to gain a half a pound a week from here on out, that is so much! Also, if I make it to 40 weeks she will be 8 pounds!!! OUCH!!! I better go early!!!
Best Moment of the Week: Probably our work Kimball's Farm outing. It was really fun to have a day off from work and just get to hang out with everyone and play mini-golf and have great food and ice cream!
Looking Forward To: Getting her room really set up and organized. Organizing everything else in the house. Excited for the Picarillo party at Winnipisake this weekend and seeing all the kids and parents.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

30 Weeks (July 19-25, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Cucumber (15.7" long and 2.9lbs)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: According to the doctor's scale 19lbs - I don't ever trust the doctor's scale though!

Starting to Show? Belly is getting bigger and bigger. I look like I have a dodge ball stuffed in there.
Belly Button: The part that was sticking out a bit is now a little bigger. As Larry said "Where did your belly button go??" haha
Sleep: Sleep was fine except while we were in New York. Going from a super comfy king sized bed at home to a really hard full sized bed was very difficult.

Movement? She has literally not stopped moving in days which is really cool to feel!
Food Cravings: Still Taco Bell chicken chalupas.
Queasy/Sick? Feeling good this week and the heartburn wasn't even there in New York which was fabulous!
Miss Anything? The last 2 weddings we went to in the last couple weeks were open bar so definitely drinking while at those. It's also really difficult to dance and have fun without getting completely exhausted.

Mood: Happy!
Best Moment of the Week: Mickey and Karen's wedding in New York was really fun. The reception venue was gorgeous, the DJ was fabulous (I even danced for a while), and the weather was perfect. It was really fun seeing everyone!
Looking Forward To: 

A couple good wedding photos (the bump is out in full force!)

Monday, July 23, 2012

29 Weeks (July 12-18, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Acorn Squash (15.2" long and 2.5lbs)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm up about 18lbs in total I think.
Starting to Show? My loose baggy non-maternity shirts are now tight which seemed to happen overnight! Ella is really growing in there.
Belly Button: The part that was sticking out a bit is now a little bigger.
Sleep: Having a rough time sleeping this week. When I get up to pee in the middle of the night it takes forever to fall back to sleep.

Movement? Still moving a ton, mainly when I'm sitting or laying down and relaxed or after a meal.
Food Cravings: We're back on Taco Bell this week except it's chicken chalupas this time instead of the cheesy gordita crunch.
Queasy/Sick? Feeling good this week other than the heartburn.
Miss Anything? I miss not knowing what heartburn even was.

Mood: Great mood, so happy and excited about my baby shower!
Best Moment of the Week: Definitely my baby shower! It was so great seeing everyone that I haven't seen in a while and Evan and I got so many awesome things off our registry!! So grateful to our amazing friends and family!!
Looking Forward To: Going through the things that we got from the shower and starting to set up and organize Ella's room. I also want to organize any other parts of the house that need organizing to make life easy after she gets here.

Here are a couple baby shower pictures and a link to the rest of them!

28 Weeks (July 5-11, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Eggplant (14.8" long and 2.2lbs)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm up about 18lbs in total I think.
Starting to Show? Yep, people are now commenting on how much my belly has grown.
Belly Button: Still almost flat and there is this one part that is starting to stick out a bit.
Sleep: Sleeping great, being off of work for 5 days is amazing!!

Movement? Still moving around a LOT. I was laying in bed the other night and she starting moving so much, I grabbed my camera and recorded it and it looked like she was trying to break out!!

Food Cravings: Being on vacation we grilled out a lot so that was all great, and ice cream of course!
Queasy/Sick? I feel good this week.
Miss Anything? Not really

Mood: Super good mood, it's amazing what 5 day off of work will do! Very happy!
Best Moment of the Week: The whole week was great. We got things done around the house, lounged around in the backyard and in the kiddie pool, visited with my uncle and Chuck as well as the Borucki's and went to Dmitry & Tina's wedding which was fun! And the weather was fabulously hot and sunny!
Looking Forward To: The baby shower and setting up Ella's room!

We got Ella's dresser/changing table and night table this week!! Her room is starting to come together!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

27 Weeks (June 28 - July 4, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Rutabaga (14.4" long and 1.9lbs)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm up about 18lbs in total I think.
Starting to Show? Belly feels huge! Although everyone keeps saying how tiny I still am, I feel huge!
Belly Button: Still almost flat
Sleep: Sleeping much better this week.

Movement? Still moving around a ton in there.
Food Cravings: Nothing in particular this week, still loving ice cream.
Queasy/Sick? I feel good this week.
Miss Anything? Moving without much effort, not feeling achy and tired all the time, and not having heartburn which I have never ever had before getting pregnant.
Mood: Pretty good this week, happy and excited for it all!
Best Moment of the Week: Jen coming over and helping me paint Ella's room! We got 3 of the 4 walls done before running out of paint (and energy!) Now just need to add the stripe!

Looking Forward To: Seeing everyone at my baby shower!

I had my 28 week doctor's appointment on Tuesday and now I start going every 2 weeks (it seemed like it was forever away and now we're here!). I had the glucose test and the stuff I had to drink was actually not that bad thankfully! The appointment was very rushed so that I could get down to have my blood taken exactly one hour after drinking the juice. They listened to her heartbeat and that sounded great.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

26 Weeks (June 21-27, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Lettuce (13.6-14.8" long, 1.5-2.5 lbs)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I think about the same this week (14lbs in total)
Starting to Show? I think that's obvious from the pictures. Ella is certainly getting big in there!
Belly Button: It is slowly disappearing and nearly flat at this point.

Sleep: Sleep was bad most of this week, couldn't fall asleep and kept waking up.
Movement? She's still moving a LOT and you can see my belly move when she moves which is really cool!
Food Cravings: Nothing in particular this week.
Queasy/Sick? Pretty good this week, still some heartburn.
Miss Anything? I miss walking normally (definitely starting to waddle) and being able to move freely without so much effort!
Mood: Pretty irritable this week. Overloaded at work and just really tired.
Best Moment of the Week: The Prep Banquet was really fun and it was so nice seeing everyone!! 

Looking Forward To: Painting Ella's room this weekend and starting to really get excited about my baby shower which is coming quickly!

Below are the other 2 paintings for Ella's room that I finished this week.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

25 Weeks (June 14-20, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Cauliflower (13.6-14.8" long, 1.5-2.5 lbs)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: About 1.5lbs this week (14lbs in total)
Starting to Show? Definitely getting significantly bigger every day!

Belly Button: It is slowly disappearing and nearly flat at this point.
Sleep: Sleeping okay this week.
Movement? She's still moving a LOT and you can see my belly move when she moves which is really cool!

Food Cravings: Chicken salad sub with lettuce, tomato and pickles!
Queasy/Sick? Pretty good this week.

Miss Anything? Not really
Mood: Still a little irritable but generally okay.

Best Moment of the Week: Celebrating my birthday with my friends :)
Looking Forward To: Getting Ella's room painted and my shower!

Below are a few good pics from my birthday taken with my new camera that I love!