Thursday, September 6, 2012

35 Weeks (August 23-29, 2012)

I had my 36 week doctor's appointment with ultrasound on Tuesday! It was great seeing her on the ultrasound today. We could really see her face and the nurse said she has a lot of hair. The u/s nurse said she looks to be around 6lbs, but the midwife looking at the chart said she's 6lbs 10oz (yikes that seems big for a whole month left to go). They said she has gallstones but not to worry at all because they usually disappear during delivery. I'm not dialated at all yet, wishing I was a little bit considering she's bigger than I thought she would be at this point.

Baby's Size:  Coconut (18.2" long and 5.3lbs)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 28 lbs 
Starting to Show? My belly is huge, and wicked heavy
Clothes: Haven't really attempted any pants other than maternity or stretchy this week. The thought of being squeezed even the slightest bit while feeling this full is very unappealing to me.
Belly Button:Same
Sleep:Sleep is okay once I fall asleep. Still getting up every night to pee, once in a while twice which is brutal. Getting up is painful and a huge process.
Movement? She's doing a lot of moving, which can be a bit uncomfortable sometimes since she's so big now.
Food Cravings: I've been making a lot of casadillas this week.
Queasy/Sick? Other than dry heaving and a bit of throwing up in the sink when I brush my teeth, no.
Miss Anything? Not being pregnant.
Mood: Tired, Almost ready to be done with this, Getting really excited for her to come and I can't wait to meet her!! Got a little nervous after my doctor's appointment on Tuesday about how big she will be when I deliver.
Best Moment of the Week: Getting my new car!! Also Sunday was a nice feeling of everything seems to be pretty much in place for Ella to come and just being able to relax out in the backyard and not worry about what still needs to be done was such a nice feeling.
Looking Forward To: Going into labor! Seeing her! Getting her room and everything completely finalized

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