Thursday, June 28, 2012

26 Weeks (June 21-27, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Lettuce (13.6-14.8" long, 1.5-2.5 lbs)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I think about the same this week (14lbs in total)
Starting to Show? I think that's obvious from the pictures. Ella is certainly getting big in there!
Belly Button: It is slowly disappearing and nearly flat at this point.

Sleep: Sleep was bad most of this week, couldn't fall asleep and kept waking up.
Movement? She's still moving a LOT and you can see my belly move when she moves which is really cool!
Food Cravings: Nothing in particular this week.
Queasy/Sick? Pretty good this week, still some heartburn.
Miss Anything? I miss walking normally (definitely starting to waddle) and being able to move freely without so much effort!
Mood: Pretty irritable this week. Overloaded at work and just really tired.
Best Moment of the Week: The Prep Banquet was really fun and it was so nice seeing everyone!! 

Looking Forward To: Painting Ella's room this weekend and starting to really get excited about my baby shower which is coming quickly!

Below are the other 2 paintings for Ella's room that I finished this week.

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