Wednesday, June 13, 2012

22 Weeks (May 24-30, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Papaya (about 10.5-11.8" long and 12.7-20.8 ounces)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Nothing this week, still at 11 pounds.
Starting to Show? Absolutely! I don't think there's any doubt about it now. Still don't have strangers saying anything yet but everyone  that knows is saying "Look at that belly!"
Sleep: Still loving sleep. I actually slept from 6pm to 8am on Sunday night.
Movement? Ella is really moving around a LOT now. You can see my belly twitch and move when she has big movements! Evan's been feeling her a lot lately too!
Food Cravings: Still grilled veggies and chicken (loving this craving!)
Queasy/Sick? No
Miss Anything? Really craving a ham and cheese sub this week, stupid lunch meat rule!
Mood: Very relaxed and happy. The long weekend helped a LOT and not having the gym is really nice.
Best Moment of the Week: Actually having a long weekend! Being able to relax a bit and get some things done without having to go to the gym! Ella has been kicking a LOT which is so cool. You can actually see my belly twitch and move when she moves. Shopping at Wrentham Outlets with Evan on Monday was really fun and of course buying some cute outfits for Ella!
Looking Forward To: Deciding on one of the two green paint colors and starting to paint her room. Getting the downstairs finished. Really excited for my shower (which I know is a while off still) but I really want to set up her room and get her things organized!

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