Wednesday, June 13, 2012

23 Weeks (May 31-June 6, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Grapefruit (10.5-11.8" long, 12.7-20.8oz)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Nothing this week, still at 11 pounds.
Starting to Show? Definitely significantly popped more this weekend. There is absolutely no doubt that I'm pregnant from an outsiders point of view. All the neighbors commented on how tiny I still was and how cute my little bump was. (It doesn't feel very little!)
Sleep: My belly has been achy in the mornings when I wake up. I'm wondering if the way I'm sleeping is irritating it. Also woke up at 3am very uncomfortable on Saturday night.
Movement? My stomach has really been bothering me this week. I've eaten horribly so I'm assuming that is why but she hasn't been moving around a whole lot.
Food Cravings: No cravings really this week, just been eating horribly. McDonald's one night, Taco Bell another, out to dinner with Dmi & Tina, out to dinner with Evan's parents. Bad, bad, bad... need to get back on track!
Queasy/Sick? Feeling crappy this week. My stomach feels so full it hurts, yet empty and hungry at the same time and almost nauseas but the heartburn is so bad and making me not want to eat. I think this worst week yet this whole pregnancy.
Miss Anything? No, not really
Mood: Relatively good, a bit irritable because I feel so crappy.
Best Moment of the Week: Really nothing exciting this week. Christy and Andy's cookout on Friday  night was fun.
Looking Forward To: Feeling better, getting started on Ella's decorations, finishing the downstairs!!! Evan applied for work from home so keeping my fingers crossed that he gets it!!

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