Monday, June 25, 2012

24 Weeks (June 7-13, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Canteloupe (10.5-11.8" long, 12.7-20.8oz)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: About 1.5lbs this week (12.5lbs in total)
Starting to Show? Getting bigger by the day!
Belly Button: It is slowly disappearing and nearly flat at this point.
Sleep: Having a hard time not getting up to pee before my alarm starts going off but other than that sleeping great now that I'm using the body pillow.
Movement? She's back to moving a ton. I feel like she's either trying to break out of my belly or starting in on her tumbling early in there!

Food Cravings: Chicken salad sub with lettuce, tomato and pickles!
Queasy/Sick? Feeling a little better this week, still have heartburn though.

Miss Anything? I wish it didn't feel like such an effort to move lately!
Mood: Still a little irritable but generally okay.

Best Moment of the Week: The weekend was great. Evan went to Mickey's bachelor party for the weekend and I got a lot of crafting done. I did 3 paintings for Ella's wall and made the taggies bean bags … I'm super impressed with myself!
Looking Forward To: Finishing Ella's paintings for her room and it's almost my birthday!

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