Saturday, April 28, 2012

It's a GIRL!!!! (April 26th, 2012)

It felt like this day would never come!!! I woke up early because I couldn't sleep. Evan and I went to the doctor's office for our 10:30am appointment. They finally called us in and as I was sitting down on the table the ultrasound technician asked us, "So, are we going to find out what it is?" I don't think we even let her get the words out before we both almost yelled "YES!" She started the ultrasound and there was our baby on the screen, flipping and moving around. She started looking at the head and the brain and telling us all about what we were looking at. All I could think about was "Please just tell us what it is, and then you can get back to all this!" She finally moved her way down and said "It's a Girl!!" My eyes immediately started tearing up and I asked, "Are you sure??" She checked about three times and said "I'm positive." I looked at Evan and his eyes were a little teary too. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. It all just felt too good to be true and I couldn't stop crying! She continued with the ultrasound telling us that our little baby was quite active in there but all I could think about what the fact that I was having a girl!! I was so overwhelmed with emotion! She said she weighs 9 ounces and is about 5 and a half inches long. Her heartrate is 151bpm. Here are some of the ultrasound pictures.

This is our "It's a girl" picture, I still don't see it.

Of course I had to go shopping after finding out. Here are the first things we bought our baby girl.

I really just couldn't be happier right now!!!

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