Saturday, April 28, 2012

17 Weeks (April 19-25, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Onion (about 5.1" long and 5.9 ounces)
Total Weight Gain/Loss:  +1lb. (+8lbs in total)
Starting to Show? I really popped while we were at Wrentham Outlets on Thursday, it was really weird but the belly is there now, for real. The bump is getting bigger day by day now.
Clothes: Still wearing my baggier sweaters but as soon as the weather starts getting nicer I will break into the maternity shirts, which actually fit now.
Sleep: Sleeping great.
Movement? Twice this week I've felt something like a heartbeat thump sporadically about 10 times down where the baby is while lying in bed at night. I'm not sure if that is the baby but it is something I haven't felt before. Also starting to feel almost like a fish is moving around in there once in a while. 
Food Cravings: Nothing in particular this week.
Queasy/Sick? Same ol'
Miss Anything? Nope, I'm good this week!
Gender Prediction: Last time I'm doing this, here is the recap:
Signs that Point to Girl =
1. Chinese Gender Chart
2. Baking Soda Test
3. Wedding Ring Test
4. Pencil Test
4. Heartrate above 140
5. Thinner, duller hair 
6. Same hair growth as before
7. No change in temp of feet
8. Sarah's 3 dreams that it's a girl
9. My psychic uncle who is convinced it's a girl.
People who think it's a girl: Me, Bobby, Sarah, Sarah, Jaye, poll at work is 16 for girl versus 11 for boy.
Signs that point to Boy =
1. Faster nail growth
2. No Morning Sickness
3. Dad Gaining Sympathy Weight
4. No Weight Gain in Face
People who think it's a boy: Evan, Big Evan, Jen  

Mood: Happy, Excited, Anxious to find out the gender!!
Best Moment of the Week: Shopping at Wrentham and getting some maternity clothes along with the "Little Peanut" onesie!! Watching my belly grow throughout the day.
Looking Forward To: So excited this is the last time I have to say this… Finding out the gender!!!!!

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