Tuesday, April 17, 2012

16 Weeks (April 12-18, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Avocado (about 4.6" long and 3.5 ounces)
Total Weight Gain/Loss:  +1lb. (+8lbs in total)
Starting to Show? The bump is definitely there. Although everyone says that it is a super tiny bump, but it is now showing (I guess I just hide it well!)
Clothes: Belly bands with all jeans now and looser fitting tops
Sleep: Still sleeping well but I definitely feel like I have a bit more energy this week, thank god!
Movement? Still nothing that I know of
Food Cravings: Burgers on the grill with chips have been my craving of the week, at least it's better than McDonald's!
Queasy/Sick? Still dry heaving every morning when I brush my teeth. I've totally learned to just brush through it!
Miss Anything? Nothing really this week, pretty content, although the clothes things is still an issue.
Gender Prediction: I still feel like it's a girl since Sarah has had multiple dreams that it's a girl and my uncle is convinced it's a girl. We started a poll on the marker board outside my cube at work as well and the tally is 15 for girl and 10 for boy, but we will see soon enough!
Mood: Happy, Excited
Best Moment of the Week: Hearing the little peanut's heartbeat on the dopplar at my 16 week appointment and hearing it move around in there! So excited!
Looking Forward To: Finding out the gender!!! Really starting to think about what we need for the baby and what needs to get done before the baby comes. And shopping for new clothes!

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