Thursday, May 3, 2012

18 Weeks (April 26 - May 2, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Sweet Potato (about 5.6" long and 6.7 ounces)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I think about another pound this week
Starting to Show? Definitely showing, there is a clear bump there. Not super big, but big enough to be visible.
Sleep: I love sleep!
Movement? Definitely feeling her move about 3-5 times a day now! It feels like a mix of a heartbeat thump and a fish flopping around in there. It's so cool! I can't wait for Evan to start feeling her move.
Food Cravings: Nothing much
Queasy/Sick? Same ol'
Miss Anything? Not really
Gender Prediction: Little Baby Davie is a GIRL!
Mood: I feel like I'm in a dream, it is all so surreal. I really just couldn't be happier right now!!
Best Moment of the Week: Finding out that our baby is a girl! We're going to have a daughter!! Buying some cute little girl outfits was also great!
Looking Forward To: Starting the Baby Registry and starting to get her room together.

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