Thursday, April 5, 2012

14 Weeks (March 29 - April 4, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Lemon
Total Weight Gain/Loss:  +1lb (+6lbs total)
Starting to Show? Yes, I definitely feel like I "popped" a bit on Saturday. There is definitely a bump
Clothes: Relying on the belly bands with almost all pants now (those are the best things ever!)
Sleep: Still exhausted, still want to sleep all the time
Movement? Not a thing, can't wait for some movement!
Food Cravings: Yes, it's still McDonald's
Queasy/Sick? Still dry heaving every morning when I brush my teeth.
Miss Anything? Having motivation of any kind, I want the exhaustion to end and I want my house to be clean!
Gender Prediction: Evan's family made tons of predictions this weekend but more seemed to say girl than boy.
Mood: A little irritable, a little out of it, utterly exhausted, but still pretty happy!
Best Moment of the Week: Getting the call from the OB telling me that Evan's cystic fybrosis test came back negative so no more worrying about that!!!! Also, my belly totally popped this week which is exciting :)
Looking Forward To: Getting Evan's bloodwork results and finding out the gender!! I really want to start seriously thinking about the baby's room (I started picking out paint swatches for both girl and boy rooms while we were shopping for paint for the downstairs family room!)

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