Tuesday, March 27, 2012

13 Weeks (March 22-28, 2012)

Baby's Size: Peach
Total Weight Gain/Loss:  0lbs this week (5lbs in total so far)
Starting to Show? Yes, a small bump which tends to grow as the day goes on and looks huge at night (like in my 12 week picture!)
Clothes: Still the same, definitely need to do a little shopping and buy some baggier shirts!
Sleep: Well, the exhaustion is back, grr! Sleep is the only thing on my mind and all I want to do this week.
Movement? Not a thing, can't wait for some movement!
Food Cravings: Still McDonald's but I'm keeping it in check!
Queasy/Sick? Still dry heaving everytime I brush my teeth.
Miss Anything? Having motivation of any kind, I want the exhaustion to end and I want my house to be clean!
Gender Prediction: The girls at the gym think it's a girl... we'll go with that!
Mood: Happy but a little stressed this week since the OB called and said that I carry the gene for Cystic Fybrosis (which apparently 1 in 25 people carry this so I guess it's nothing to be super upset about but if Evan carries it as well then there is a 25% change our baby will have it)... kind of scary stuff so I need Evan to get his blood tested so that I can (hopefully) relax about this.
Best Moment of the Week: Evan got a TON accomplished this weekend, built a deck with the fire pit in the middle, painted the ceiling downstairs and installed the wood floor downstairs... all while I layed on the couch! I'm proud of him, he really did a great job :)
Looking Forward To: Getting Evan's bloodwork results and finding out the gender!! Also really looking forward to that nesting phase that I hear about, it seems like Evan's nesting but I'm not yet!

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