Tuesday, March 13, 2012

11 Weeks (March 8-14, 2012)

Baby's Size: Lime
Total Weight Gain/Loss:  0lbs this week (4lbs in total so far)
Starting to Show? Yes, there is a bit of a bump now.
Clothes: My jeans are starting to get a bit tight. I bought a BeBand that I haven't used yet but it's coming soon.
Sleep: Having a hard time falling asleep at night but I'm starting to be less tired during the day
Movement? Belly is really gurgly and making all kinds of noises (not sure this classifies as "movement" but it's something)
Food Cravings: McDonald's Big Mac, chicken nuggets and Coke has been my meal of choice this week.
Queasy/Sick? Still dry heaving everytime I brush my teeth
Miss Anything? I'm pretty content this week since I've caved and gotten a couple sodas and ate WAY too much McDonalds. I miss being able to wear the majority of my shirts because they are just hugging my belly and look all kinds of bad!
Gender Prediction: Still thinking girl, no reason behind it this week
Mood: Very happy, excited and completely content :)
Best Moment of the Week: Telling Darlene. Chris was talking about going skydiving and Darlene asked Evan if he wanted to go. Evan goes "No.... I don't think it would be a good idea with a baby on the way." Darlene stopped in her tracks and says "What??" and looks and me and says, "Are you pregnant??" I looked at her and smiled! I think she was in shock at first but she was SO excited. Telling people and having them get as excited as we are makes everything that much better!
Looking Forward To: Our appointment on Thursday, really hoping everything looks great at the NT scan. Hoping they make a gender guess. And FINALLY after this week we can let the cat out of the bag and really start telling people!!

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