Tuesday, February 28, 2012

9 Weeks (February 23-29, 2012)

Baby's Size: Olive or Grape
Total Weight Gain/Loss:  +0.5lbs (+4lbs in total so far)
Starting to Show? I think a little bit, it might still be bloat but the left side of my stomach feels hard
Clothes: Regular clothes fit fine, but I'm still really self conscious that I look like I've gained weight and I wonder if people are noticing.
Sleep: Still LOTS of sleeping, even more this week with working from home one day and being off Thursday and Friday.
Movement? None, my belly just feels a bit heavy, like there is something in there!
Food Cravings: I've really been craving Taco Bell, super healthy, I know!
Queasy/Sick? I feel better this week, same gagging when I brush my teeth in the morning
Miss Anything? Soda & Lunch meats
Gender Prediction: Just did the baking soda test again, still no fizz... girl?
Mood: Overall just really happy all the time, as well as extremely exhausted all the time
Best Moment of the Week: Winning the Little Bigger meet for Novice & Intermediate! Also, this isn't quite a "best moment" but the last 2 weeks a couple of the kids at the gym keep telling me that I need to have a baby so it can do gymnastics with them and they're been telling me a million different names that I should name it. Think they're a bit intuitive?!
Looking Forward To: The next appointment in 2 weeks and seeing the baby on the ultrasound again! Also after this next appointment it will be the end of the first trimester and that means we can start telling people!!!!

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