Wednesday, February 1, 2012

5 Weeks (January 26 - February 1, 2012)

Baby's Size: Apple seed
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +1.5lbs (thank you very much bloat!)
Starting to Show? Not yet, just really bloated!
Clothes: Regular clothes fit fine (maybe a little tight after I eat a big meal)
Sleep: Sleeping great, probably getting a little too much sleep. I'm SO exhausted all the time!
Movement? None
Food Cravings: I've been wanting pickles towards the end of this week
Queasy/Sick? Nope! Let's keep this up!
Miss Anything? Soda
Gender Prediction: Girl according to the baking soda test (and according to Bobby)
Mood: Happy and Excited!
Best Moment of the Week: My uncle looking at me and asking me if there was anything that I wanted to tell him completely out of nowhere. I said "Uh, no why?" and he kept asking and finally said "I don't know, I just really had this strong feeling that you were going to tell me that you're pregnant" I looked at him and said, "Well, what would you do if I was?" He looked a bit surprised and said "Are you??" and I said "Yes". Funny back story is that when my mom first found out she was pregnant he predicted that she was pregnant too before she told anyone.
Looking Forward To: First doctor's appointment on February 7th (seeing the ultrasound and hearing the heartbeat!), and being able to tell people!

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