Thursday, June 28, 2012

26 Weeks (June 21-27, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Lettuce (13.6-14.8" long, 1.5-2.5 lbs)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I think about the same this week (14lbs in total)
Starting to Show? I think that's obvious from the pictures. Ella is certainly getting big in there!
Belly Button: It is slowly disappearing and nearly flat at this point.

Sleep: Sleep was bad most of this week, couldn't fall asleep and kept waking up.
Movement? She's still moving a LOT and you can see my belly move when she moves which is really cool!
Food Cravings: Nothing in particular this week.
Queasy/Sick? Pretty good this week, still some heartburn.
Miss Anything? I miss walking normally (definitely starting to waddle) and being able to move freely without so much effort!
Mood: Pretty irritable this week. Overloaded at work and just really tired.
Best Moment of the Week: The Prep Banquet was really fun and it was so nice seeing everyone!! 

Looking Forward To: Painting Ella's room this weekend and starting to really get excited about my baby shower which is coming quickly!

Below are the other 2 paintings for Ella's room that I finished this week.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

25 Weeks (June 14-20, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Cauliflower (13.6-14.8" long, 1.5-2.5 lbs)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: About 1.5lbs this week (14lbs in total)
Starting to Show? Definitely getting significantly bigger every day!

Belly Button: It is slowly disappearing and nearly flat at this point.
Sleep: Sleeping okay this week.
Movement? She's still moving a LOT and you can see my belly move when she moves which is really cool!

Food Cravings: Chicken salad sub with lettuce, tomato and pickles!
Queasy/Sick? Pretty good this week.

Miss Anything? Not really
Mood: Still a little irritable but generally okay.

Best Moment of the Week: Celebrating my birthday with my friends :)
Looking Forward To: Getting Ella's room painted and my shower!

Below are a few good pics from my birthday taken with my new camera that I love!

Monday, June 25, 2012

24 Weeks (June 7-13, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Canteloupe (10.5-11.8" long, 12.7-20.8oz)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: About 1.5lbs this week (12.5lbs in total)
Starting to Show? Getting bigger by the day!
Belly Button: It is slowly disappearing and nearly flat at this point.
Sleep: Having a hard time not getting up to pee before my alarm starts going off but other than that sleeping great now that I'm using the body pillow.
Movement? She's back to moving a ton. I feel like she's either trying to break out of my belly or starting in on her tumbling early in there!

Food Cravings: Chicken salad sub with lettuce, tomato and pickles!
Queasy/Sick? Feeling a little better this week, still have heartburn though.

Miss Anything? I wish it didn't feel like such an effort to move lately!
Mood: Still a little irritable but generally okay.

Best Moment of the Week: The weekend was great. Evan went to Mickey's bachelor party for the weekend and I got a lot of crafting done. I did 3 paintings for Ella's wall and made the taggies bean bags … I'm super impressed with myself!
Looking Forward To: Finishing Ella's paintings for her room and it's almost my birthday!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

23 Weeks (May 31-June 6, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Grapefruit (10.5-11.8" long, 12.7-20.8oz)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Nothing this week, still at 11 pounds.
Starting to Show? Definitely significantly popped more this weekend. There is absolutely no doubt that I'm pregnant from an outsiders point of view. All the neighbors commented on how tiny I still was and how cute my little bump was. (It doesn't feel very little!)
Sleep: My belly has been achy in the mornings when I wake up. I'm wondering if the way I'm sleeping is irritating it. Also woke up at 3am very uncomfortable on Saturday night.
Movement? My stomach has really been bothering me this week. I've eaten horribly so I'm assuming that is why but she hasn't been moving around a whole lot.
Food Cravings: No cravings really this week, just been eating horribly. McDonald's one night, Taco Bell another, out to dinner with Dmi & Tina, out to dinner with Evan's parents. Bad, bad, bad... need to get back on track!
Queasy/Sick? Feeling crappy this week. My stomach feels so full it hurts, yet empty and hungry at the same time and almost nauseas but the heartburn is so bad and making me not want to eat. I think this worst week yet this whole pregnancy.
Miss Anything? No, not really
Mood: Relatively good, a bit irritable because I feel so crappy.
Best Moment of the Week: Really nothing exciting this week. Christy and Andy's cookout on Friday  night was fun.
Looking Forward To: Feeling better, getting started on Ella's decorations, finishing the downstairs!!! Evan applied for work from home so keeping my fingers crossed that he gets it!!

22 Weeks (May 24-30, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Papaya (about 10.5-11.8" long and 12.7-20.8 ounces)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Nothing this week, still at 11 pounds.
Starting to Show? Absolutely! I don't think there's any doubt about it now. Still don't have strangers saying anything yet but everyone  that knows is saying "Look at that belly!"
Sleep: Still loving sleep. I actually slept from 6pm to 8am on Sunday night.
Movement? Ella is really moving around a LOT now. You can see my belly twitch and move when she has big movements! Evan's been feeling her a lot lately too!
Food Cravings: Still grilled veggies and chicken (loving this craving!)
Queasy/Sick? No
Miss Anything? Really craving a ham and cheese sub this week, stupid lunch meat rule!
Mood: Very relaxed and happy. The long weekend helped a LOT and not having the gym is really nice.
Best Moment of the Week: Actually having a long weekend! Being able to relax a bit and get some things done without having to go to the gym! Ella has been kicking a LOT which is so cool. You can actually see my belly twitch and move when she moves. Shopping at Wrentham Outlets with Evan on Monday was really fun and of course buying some cute outfits for Ella!
Looking Forward To: Deciding on one of the two green paint colors and starting to paint her room. Getting the downstairs finished. Really excited for my shower (which I know is a while off still) but I really want to set up her room and get her things organized!