Tuesday, February 28, 2012

9 Weeks (February 23-29, 2012)

Baby's Size: Olive or Grape
Total Weight Gain/Loss:  +0.5lbs (+4lbs in total so far)
Starting to Show? I think a little bit, it might still be bloat but the left side of my stomach feels hard
Clothes: Regular clothes fit fine, but I'm still really self conscious that I look like I've gained weight and I wonder if people are noticing.
Sleep: Still LOTS of sleeping, even more this week with working from home one day and being off Thursday and Friday.
Movement? None, my belly just feels a bit heavy, like there is something in there!
Food Cravings: I've really been craving Taco Bell, super healthy, I know!
Queasy/Sick? I feel better this week, same gagging when I brush my teeth in the morning
Miss Anything? Soda & Lunch meats
Gender Prediction: Just did the baking soda test again, still no fizz... girl?
Mood: Overall just really happy all the time, as well as extremely exhausted all the time
Best Moment of the Week: Winning the Little Bigger meet for Novice & Intermediate! Also, this isn't quite a "best moment" but the last 2 weeks a couple of the kids at the gym keep telling me that I need to have a baby so it can do gymnastics with them and they're been telling me a million different names that I should name it. Think they're a bit intuitive?!
Looking Forward To: The next appointment in 2 weeks and seeing the baby on the ultrasound again! Also after this next appointment it will be the end of the first trimester and that means we can start telling people!!!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

8 Weeks (February16-22, 2012)

I got a call from my OB this week and was told that all my bloodwork looked great from my last appointment, except that my thyroid levels were slightly elevated. Apparently the normal range for pregnant women is smaller than for non-pregnant women and my levels are on the higher side of the range for pregnant women. I was told to not be concerned but I had to book an appointment with an endocrinologist so they can closely moniter it. The endocrinologist made me feel much better by telling me that this is nothing to be concerned about but they want to moniter it and make sure that my levels don't get any higher. I was given medication to take once a day and at my next appointment she is going to take a look at my bloodwork and make sure my levels look better. Very relieved!

Baby's Size: Raspberry
Total Weight Gain/Loss:  +1lb - I don't know if that is baby or if that is from eating really bad the second half of this week! (+3.5lbs in total so far)
Starting to Show? I think a little bit, it might still be bloat but the left side of my stomach feels hard
Clothes: Regular clothes fit fine, but I'm starting to get a bit self conscious about my fitted tops
Sleep: Sleeping great. I'm SO exhausted all the time and it's all I want to do! Definitely crashing pretty hard on the weekends with naps as well as going to bed ridiculously early
Movement? None, just the same crampy/pressure
Food Cravings: Nothing really in particular
Queasy/Sick? Very minor just not feeling well, a few minutes of dry heaving Monday morning
Miss Anything? Soda
Gender Prediction: I still think it's a girl
Mood: I just feel like I'm in a daze, so overly exhausted ALL the time. Definitely a bit moody at times (especially if you ask Evan!)
Best Moment of the Week: Hanging out with my friends Saturday night and Evan telling me that I have a slight baby bump on Tuesday morning (made me happy but we still have another month to go before we start telling people so I need to figure this out!)
Looking Forward To: Reaching the second trimester in one month, buying something baby-related (I've been browsing the Babies R Us website like it's my job!), and, of course, telling people!!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Week 7 (February 9-15, 2012)

Baby's Size: Blueberry
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +0.5lbs
Starting to Show? Not yet
Clothes: Regular clothes fit fine
Sleep: Sleeping great. I'm SO exhausted all the time and it's all I want to do! Definitely crashing pretty hard on the weekends with naps as well as going to bed ridiculously early
Movement? None, just the same crampy/pressure
Food Cravings: Nothing really in particular, more sweet things this week
Queasy/Sick? Very minor just not feeling well, not even sure if I would peg it as nausea
Miss Anything? Being able to stay awake for Private Practice and Teen Mom, I just can't do it!
Gender Prediction: Unsure this week. Evan had a dream about the baby where it started out as a girl and we were teaching her gymnastics, then it was a boy and he was fishing with him, then it went back to a girl. Haha so we're a bit confused now!
Mood: I just feel like I'm in a daze, so overly exhausted ALL the time
Best Moment of the Week: How excited I got when Evan told me he had a dream about our baby! Also my little Novice group did great at the Amore Meet on Sunday.
Looking Forward To: Being a bit more awake and functionable, telling people

Friday, February 10, 2012

6 Weeks (February 2 - 8, 2012)

We had our very first doctor's appointment and Ultrasound on Tuesday!! It was so exciting so see the little jellybean and watch it's heart beat! I could have watched it all day! (By the way, the baby is the whiteish jellybean shaped thing inside the black circle at 6 weeks, 5 days!)

The nurse said everything looked great and there were no concerns. The heart rate was 143 which they said was perfect. The baby is measuring a week behind what we thought because apparently I ovulated late so we were only at 6 weeks and 5 days instead of 7 weeks and 5 days (so I just went back and altered the last 2 posts). Now we have to repeat week 7 which is frustrating, but at least everything looks good and healthy so I'll take it! The new due date is September 27, 2012.

Baby's Size: Sweet Pea
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +0.5lbs
Starting to Show? Not yet, just really bloated!
Clothes: Regular clothes fit fine (maybe a little tight after I eat a big meal) and It's probably me being self conscious but when I wear more fitted shirts I feel like my belly sticks out a bit (all bloat, definitely not baby yet)
Sleep: Sleeping great. I'm SO exhausted all the time and it's all I want to do! Definitely crashing pretty hard on the weekends with naps as well as going to bed ridiculously early
Movement? None, just feeling some crampy/pressure at a pretty constant rate which I've been told is my uterus expanding to make room for baby :)
Food Cravings: Nothing really in particular
Queasy/Sick? Only a tiny bit nauseas twice this week but nothing major. Also lots of gagging when I brush my teeth in the morning.
Miss Anything? Soda (also cheated and got Wendy's on my way home from my appointment Tuesday night ... to my defense the appointment was like 3 hours long and I was completely starving, cooking was not an option!)
Gender Prediction: Girl because the nurse called the baby "her" once during the ultrasound that I caught and when we got our New Parent Packet the nurse made it a point to mention that they "must be switching up the color for each appointment because the last folder was blue and now this one is pink" Weird that she would even mention anything because I wouldn't have thought twice about the color... is it a sign?? Ridiculous because you can't even tell the gender yet because it is too small but still, just a hunch.
Mood: Happy and Excited and Relieved that everything went well at our appointmet!
Best Moment of the Week: Seeing the little jellybean in the ultrasound and watching it's heart beat... amazing!! Also hearing that everything looked perfect!
Looking Forward To: The second appointment in March and being able to see the baby again! Telling people, this is one of the hardest secrets I've ever had to keep!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

5 Weeks (January 26 - February 1, 2012)

Baby's Size: Apple seed
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +1.5lbs (thank you very much bloat!)
Starting to Show? Not yet, just really bloated!
Clothes: Regular clothes fit fine (maybe a little tight after I eat a big meal)
Sleep: Sleeping great, probably getting a little too much sleep. I'm SO exhausted all the time!
Movement? None
Food Cravings: I've been wanting pickles towards the end of this week
Queasy/Sick? Nope! Let's keep this up!
Miss Anything? Soda
Gender Prediction: Girl according to the baking soda test (and according to Bobby)
Mood: Happy and Excited!
Best Moment of the Week: My uncle looking at me and asking me if there was anything that I wanted to tell him completely out of nowhere. I said "Uh, no why?" and he kept asking and finally said "I don't know, I just really had this strong feeling that you were going to tell me that you're pregnant" I looked at him and said, "Well, what would you do if I was?" He looked a bit surprised and said "Are you??" and I said "Yes". Funny back story is that when my mom first found out she was pregnant he predicted that she was pregnant too before she told anyone.
Looking Forward To: First doctor's appointment on February 7th (seeing the ultrasound and hearing the heartbeat!), and being able to tell people!

4 Weeks (January 19-25, 2012)

Baby's Size: Poppyseed
Total Weight Gain/Loss: -3lbs (I started eating much healthier)
Starting to Show? Not yet, just bloated!
Clothes: Regular clothes fit fine
Sleep: Sleeping great, probably getting a little too much sleep
Movement? None
Food Cravings: Evan's dad's chili
Queasy/Sick? Nope!
Miss Anything? Soda, Tuna
Gender Prediction: Girl according to the Chinese Gender Predictor Chart
Mood: Happy! A little nervous to be too excited this soon
Best Moment of the Week: Starting to calm down a little bit and keeping my fingers crossed that everything is going to be okay after getting my blood tested and finding out that it is O+ (apparently the negative blood types could cause problems)
Looking Forward To: First doctor's appointment on February 7th, and being able to tell people!