Thursday, May 17, 2012

19 Weeks (May 3-9, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Mango (about 6" long and 8.5 ounces)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm averaging about a pound a week
Starting to Show? The bump is getting bigger!
Sleep: Sleeping great
Movement? Still feeling her move throughout the day, a mix of flopping, thumping and muscle twitches

Food Cravings: Wendy's chicken sandwiches this week
Queasy/Sick? Nope
Miss Anything? Not really
Mood: Still feel like I'm in a dream. I'm just so happy and excited for everything that's about to come!!
Best Moment of the Week: Evan's birthday party and seeing all our friends! Going to Babies R Us and starting the baby registry which was so fun, but so exhausting!
Looking Forward To: Pretty much everything right now! Definitely doing her room is tops on my list.

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