Sunday, August 19, 2012

33 Weeks (August 9-15, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Durian Fruit - whatever that is?! (17.2" long and 4.2lbs)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 23 lbs 
Starting to Show? Evan says my belly is looking very torpedo-like now.
Clothes: Still wearing a couple of my regular jean capris with the belly band, only maternity shirts.
Belly Button:Same
Sleep: Better this week, waking up to pee less in the middle of the night and I actually feel like I'm getting good sleep.
Movement? She moves ALL THE TIME. I'm always catching my belly twitching out of the corner of my eye. She rolls around all the time and one part of my stomach will feel super hard and be raised up.
Food Cravings: Nothing. I don't enjoy eating and all food is unappealing to me at this point.
Queasy/Sick? No, just overly full all the time and I feel like everything is squished in there - heartburn sucks.
Miss Anything? 
Being able to walk without pain, not feeling uncomfortable all the time.
Mood: Super excited for everything but just really uncomfortable lately so I'm probably not in the best mood all the time. I feel kind of irritable.
Best Moment of the Week: Going to Vermont to visit Bobby & Chuck. It was really fun and I can't wait to take Ella up there to visit. It was really weird because as we were leaving we were talking about the next time we would see them Ella will be here. It makes it seem SOOO close now!
Looking Forward To: Finishing getting ready for Ella and then having time to relax before she comes. And the biggest thing of course is finally meeting her and seeing what she looks like!

32 Weeks (August 2-8, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Squash (16.7" long and 3.8lbs)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 23 lbs 
Starting to Show? Very much so!
Clothes: Saying goodbye to any non-maternity shirts was pretty hard this week. My wardrobe has been narrowed down to like 10 shirts… ugh… I just need to make it through less than 2 months with no clothes.
Belly Button:Same
Sleep: Getting up almost every night to pee. It's starting to get hard to find a comfortable sleeping position. I feel exhausted all day.
Movement? Lots of squirming around in there, the pokes and jabs are getting a little more intense
Food Cravings: Lots of McDonald's this week. It's really hard because I've been having the opposite of cravings and haven't been in the mood for any food at all, nothing sounds appealing and haven't been too hungry. Every time I eat I get full right away and it's uncomfortable. 
Queasy/Sick? No, just overly full all the time and I feel like everything is squished in there - heartburn sucks.
Miss Anything? 
Not being in some sort of pain all the time.
Mood: Happy and excited for everything but definitely getting nervous for D-Day and making sure I get everything done in time.
Best Moment of the Week: My work threw me a surprise baby shower today which was so sweet! Sarah and Johanna did the shopping and got a lot of great things that I needed and Todd brought in these amazing cupcakes with ice cream in them. And we set up the crib.

Looking Forward To: Finishing up all the purchases we need before her arrival, finishing the organization and cleaning of her room and the rest of the house. Basically just being ready so that we can relax! I'm definitely in the nesting phase big time right now.

31 Weeks (July 26 - August 1, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Pineapple - holy crap that seems big! (16.2" long and 3.3lbs)

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 22ish lbs 
Starting to Show? Dave at work made it a point to tell me how big the belly is getting lol.
Belly Button: It just looks weird, it's all stretched out and flat and almost bruised looking.
Getting up almost every night to pee. It's starting to get hard to find a comfortable sleeping position. I feel exhausted all day.
Movement? Still tons of movement all the time. She keeps sticking a foot or something under my right rib.
Food Cravings: McDonalds again and pizza.
Queasy/Sick? Good this week.
Miss Anything? 
Moving around like I used to and having energy.
Mood: Definitely transitioning into the nesting phase, it's about time! I want to clean and organize everything in the house before little one comes! A little nervous that she's supposed to gain a half a pound a week from here on out, that is so much! Also, if I make it to 40 weeks she will be 8 pounds!!! OUCH!!! I better go early!!!
Best Moment of the Week: Probably our work Kimball's Farm outing. It was really fun to have a day off from work and just get to hang out with everyone and play mini-golf and have great food and ice cream!
Looking Forward To: Getting her room really set up and organized. Organizing everything else in the house. Excited for the Picarillo party at Winnipisake this weekend and seeing all the kids and parents.