Monday, May 28, 2012

21 Weeks (May 17-23, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Pomegranate (about 10.5" long and 12.2 ounces)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm averaging about a pound a week
Starting to Show? More and more every day!
Sleep: Sleeping great
Movement? Ella had a couple really hard kicks on Thursday afternoon right before lunch! She's moving around a LOT more now and I'm always feeling her doing gymnastics in there!
Food Cravings: Grilled veggies (wow this is the healthiest craving yet!)
Queasy/Sick? Nope
Miss Anything? Not really
Mood: Happy & Excited for all things baby, sad about leaving the gym this week.
Best Moment of the Week: Winning Prep Op Novice States!!
Looking Forward To: Finishing the basement, getting Ella's room painted & closet organizer made, starting the crafts for her room. Just everything to do with Ella really!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

20 Weeks (May 10-16, 2012)

HALF-WAY THERE!!!! I can't believe it's 20 weeks already!!
Baby's Size:  Banana (about 6.5" long and 10.2 ounces)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm averaging about a pound a week (about 11 pounds in total right now)
Starting to Show? I swear my belly is growing more and more every single day!
Sleep: A little trouble sleeping a couple nights this week. I actually woke up at 2am to pee which never happens
Movement? She's definitely moving more now throughout the day and Evan even felt her move the other night!!
Food Cravings: Wendy's chicken sandwiches still this week
Queasy/Sick? Nope
Miss Anything? Not really
Mood: Excited!
Best Moment of the Week: Finishing the registries at Babies R Us and Target and hearing the doctor say that everything looked absolutely perfect at my 20 week appointment!
Looking Forward To: Excited I narrowed in on the "Jungle Jill" theme and now I'm going to do some artwork for her walls with that theme. I'm also going to try to make the taggies bean bags and an afghan. I really want to start making her closet organizer and getting going on her room! Definitely in a crafy mood right now!

Here are some items from the Jungle Jill theme:

And here is what I want to try to make for Ella's room, I want to do 4 prints similar to these for above the changing table and then do her name in the same theme above her crib:
Jungle jill - Hand Painted wooden wall letters - nursery wall decor
Jungle Jill Baby or Toddlers Name Block Letters . MadysonWooden Wall Letters - Jungle Jill - Custom - Hand Painted - Nursery Decor

19 Weeks (May 3-9, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Mango (about 6" long and 8.5 ounces)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm averaging about a pound a week
Starting to Show? The bump is getting bigger!
Sleep: Sleeping great
Movement? Still feeling her move throughout the day, a mix of flopping, thumping and muscle twitches

Food Cravings: Wendy's chicken sandwiches this week
Queasy/Sick? Nope
Miss Anything? Not really
Mood: Still feel like I'm in a dream. I'm just so happy and excited for everything that's about to come!!
Best Moment of the Week: Evan's birthday party and seeing all our friends! Going to Babies R Us and starting the baby registry which was so fun, but so exhausting!
Looking Forward To: Pretty much everything right now! Definitely doing her room is tops on my list.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

18 Weeks (April 26 - May 2, 2012)

Baby's Size:  Sweet Potato (about 5.6" long and 6.7 ounces)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I think about another pound this week
Starting to Show? Definitely showing, there is a clear bump there. Not super big, but big enough to be visible.
Sleep: I love sleep!
Movement? Definitely feeling her move about 3-5 times a day now! It feels like a mix of a heartbeat thump and a fish flopping around in there. It's so cool! I can't wait for Evan to start feeling her move.
Food Cravings: Nothing much
Queasy/Sick? Same ol'
Miss Anything? Not really
Gender Prediction: Little Baby Davie is a GIRL!
Mood: I feel like I'm in a dream, it is all so surreal. I really just couldn't be happier right now!!
Best Moment of the Week: Finding out that our baby is a girl! We're going to have a daughter!! Buying some cute little girl outfits was also great!
Looking Forward To: Starting the Baby Registry and starting to get her room together.