Tuesday, March 27, 2012

13 Weeks (March 22-28, 2012)

Baby's Size: Peach
Total Weight Gain/Loss:  0lbs this week (5lbs in total so far)
Starting to Show? Yes, a small bump which tends to grow as the day goes on and looks huge at night (like in my 12 week picture!)
Clothes: Still the same, definitely need to do a little shopping and buy some baggier shirts!
Sleep: Well, the exhaustion is back, grr! Sleep is the only thing on my mind and all I want to do this week.
Movement? Not a thing, can't wait for some movement!
Food Cravings: Still McDonald's but I'm keeping it in check!
Queasy/Sick? Still dry heaving everytime I brush my teeth.
Miss Anything? Having motivation of any kind, I want the exhaustion to end and I want my house to be clean!
Gender Prediction: The girls at the gym think it's a girl... we'll go with that!
Mood: Happy but a little stressed this week since the OB called and said that I carry the gene for Cystic Fybrosis (which apparently 1 in 25 people carry this so I guess it's nothing to be super upset about but if Evan carries it as well then there is a 25% change our baby will have it)... kind of scary stuff so I need Evan to get his blood tested so that I can (hopefully) relax about this.
Best Moment of the Week: Evan got a TON accomplished this weekend, built a deck with the fire pit in the middle, painted the ceiling downstairs and installed the wood floor downstairs... all while I layed on the couch! I'm proud of him, he really did a great job :)
Looking Forward To: Getting Evan's bloodwork results and finding out the gender!! Also really looking forward to that nesting phase that I hear about, it seems like Evan's nesting but I'm not yet!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

12 Weeks - End of the First Trimester!! (March 15-21, 2012)

 We had our NT scan on Thursday, March 15th. We got to see the little peanut wiggling around. We saw 5 fingers on each hand and we even saw it suck it's thumb (or at least it looks like it's sucking its thumb!). Blood results all came back looking good! We asked if they could make a gender guess and the doctor unfortunately couldn't tell yet. Our gender appointment is April 26th at 18 weeks, which seems forever away! I can't wait to find out what we're having!!

Baby's Size: Plum
Total Weight Gain/Loss:  1lb this week (5lbs in total so far)
Starting to Show? Yes, a small bump
Clothes: Moved on to baggier shirts and down to 2 pairs of jeans that don't hurt when I sit down!
Sleep: Still not sleeping great, but not as tired as I've been
Movement? Nothing this week
Food Cravings: Still McDonald's but I've kept it in check this week and only had it once!
Queasy/Sick? Still dry heaving everytime I brush my teeth
Miss Anything? Not much, just the majority of my clothes!
Gender Prediction: Did the pencil test this week and it said girl for our first child
Mood: Very happy and excited! So nice to be able to tell people now!
Best Moment of the Week: Seeing the little peanut again during the ultrasound and getting some good pictures! Getting all the blood tests back from the NT scan and everything looks great!! Having a great meeting with Jen and Dan at the gym. And last but not least... FINALLY getting to tell everyone the good news!!!!
Looking Forward To: Finding out the gender!! Shopping for peanut (I caved and bought a 3M pair of jeans that were on clearance at Target and gender neutral.. so flippin cute!!). Having a bump that doesn't look like I've just eaten too many Big Macs (even though I have)!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I can't stop looking at the Babies R Us & Target websites for baby things. I have my top favorite boy and girl bedding and top favorite cribs picked out already. I've also been looking at playyards but that one is more difficult since they all have different features and I can't yet picture what I will need and want.

Here are my favorite bed sets for girls:
Pink Mad About Plaid - My Baby Sam  - Babies"R"Us

Here are my favorite bed sets for boys:

Blue Mad About Plaid - My Baby Sam  - Babies"R"Us
My Little MVP - Crown Craft  - Babies"R"Us

8-Piece Animal All Star - Just Born  - Babies"R"Us

My favorite cribs:
That's all I've got so far. The online window shopping is so much fun, I can't wait until it becomes actual shopping :) Unfortunately none of that can really start until we find out the gender which seems FOREVER away. Really, really hoping that they will take a guess at the NT scan on Thursday!! 

11 Weeks (March 8-14, 2012)

Baby's Size: Lime
Total Weight Gain/Loss:  0lbs this week (4lbs in total so far)
Starting to Show? Yes, there is a bit of a bump now.
Clothes: My jeans are starting to get a bit tight. I bought a BeBand that I haven't used yet but it's coming soon.
Sleep: Having a hard time falling asleep at night but I'm starting to be less tired during the day
Movement? Belly is really gurgly and making all kinds of noises (not sure this classifies as "movement" but it's something)
Food Cravings: McDonald's Big Mac, chicken nuggets and Coke has been my meal of choice this week.
Queasy/Sick? Still dry heaving everytime I brush my teeth
Miss Anything? I'm pretty content this week since I've caved and gotten a couple sodas and ate WAY too much McDonalds. I miss being able to wear the majority of my shirts because they are just hugging my belly and look all kinds of bad!
Gender Prediction: Still thinking girl, no reason behind it this week
Mood: Very happy, excited and completely content :)
Best Moment of the Week: Telling Darlene. Chris was talking about going skydiving and Darlene asked Evan if he wanted to go. Evan goes "No.... I don't think it would be a good idea with a baby on the way." Darlene stopped in her tracks and says "What??" and looks and me and says, "Are you pregnant??" I looked at her and smiled! I think she was in shock at first but she was SO excited. Telling people and having them get as excited as we are makes everything that much better!
Looking Forward To: Our appointment on Thursday, really hoping everything looks great at the NT scan. Hoping they make a gender guess. And FINALLY after this week we can let the cat out of the bag and really start telling people!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

10 Weeks (March 1-7, 2012)

Baby's Size: Prune
Total Weight Gain/Loss:  0lbs (+4lbs in total so far)
Starting to Show? I definitely think I have a little bit of a bump now
Clothes: Regular clothes still fit fine but I've resorted to wearing my baggier shirts and sweaters
Sleep: It's still ALL I want to do all day long!
Movement? A couple times I've felt something that feels almost like a big heartbeat in my belly (almost like a pop feeling). Not sure what that is exactly.
Food Cravings: Still Taco Bell and anything sweet
Queasy/Sick? I feel better this week, same gagging when I brush my teeth in the morning and a couple moments of dry heaving
Miss Anything? Being able to make it through a weekend day without napping and having enough energy to actually have any motivation at all to keep my house clean!
Gender Prediction: So I don't know if I was really bored this week or what but I looked at a different Chinese Gender chart where you enter either your ovulation day or due date and your birth date and it calculates your lunar date (which is the only one that I hear is accurate) and both said "Girl". I also made Evan hold my wedding band on a string over my belly (if it moves in a circle it's supposed to be a girl, if it moves back and forth it's supposed to be a boy) - it moved in a circle. I also asked Evan "Okay, don't even think about, first thing that comes to your mind, what is it??" and he responded with "Boy"... so really, who knows... but I really want to know!!
Mood: Overall just really happy and excited all the time, as well as extremely exhausted all the time
Best Moment of the Week: Finally telling Evan's parents! We were showing them the progress on finishing the downstairs on Sunday. While we were in the "new bedroom" and Evan said "So do you think this is good enough for you to stay in?" Evan's mom laughed and then they started telling us a story about a car rolling over on their street. Evan tried again, "So will this be comfortable enough for you to stay here?" Evan's mom laughed again "Ha ya right!" I said "Well we're going to need you to stay here at some point" Jaye looked at me and goes "What are you pregnant?" I just looked at her and smiled. She still didn't catch on and started to try to tell us another story but then I think she noticed that I was still staring at her smiling. "Wait, are you really?" she asked. Evan's dad came running over and gave me a kiss and a hug and Jaye was glowing. I've never seen her look so happy! It's so nice that they know now!!
Looking Forward To: Buying something baby-related (I really might cave soon!). Our next appointment and seeing the baby again (maybe they can make a guess on the gender!), and getting the results of the NT scan (fingers crossed everything looks good!).